RC Plane Master is an extremely realistic and affordable flight simulator, complete with transmitter dedicated to radio-controlled model planes. Ideal for beginners and experienced pilots alike, RC Plane Master allows you to practice and improve your flying skills even if its raining or windy outside. With the number of crashes you’ll save yourself, you’ll be pleased you’ve been practising with RC Plane Master.
Incredible Realism
Each part of the aircraft is modelled individually with an advanced set of real physics parameters to achieve the highest levels realism. Even the wind is modelled separately for each part of the aircraft!
Adjustable Physics
Tailor the aircraft to fly the way you want them to with the easy to use physics editor. Change the weight, centre of gravity, inertia, wing coefficients, strengths and much more with just the click of a mouse!
FREE Models and Landscapes
12 superb 3D models and 5 challenging landscapes on CD with more available for FREE in the members area. You’ll never get bored with RC Plane Master!
Fantastic Variety of Planes
Fly electric, glow engine, jet and even rocket powered model aircraft. Experience a wide range of power!
Split Screen 2 Pilot Modes
Have even more fun by flying with a friend on the same computer in split screen mode. You can even Dogfight with your friends as each aircraft is equipped with guns! Just watch the other guy’s plane fall apart as you pound them with bullets!
Advanced Collision Detection with Awesome Crashes
All parts of the planes are modelled separately and can break off when hit. Collisions are fast and accurate and all objects in the scene can be hit with fantastic effect. There are also fantastic options to configure random engine, servo, gear and structural failures. Try landing with only 1 wheel down!
Great Attention to Detail
All flight surfaces move independently. Excellent shadows, smoke and exhaust effects combined with beautifully rendered aircraft and propeller effects. Adjustable wind parameters and effects that follow the contours of the terrain and varies with altitude. Many planes come with retractable landing gear, transparent canopies, control panels and even model pilots.
Adjustable field of view
Other simulators go out of view much too quickly. Not with RC Plane Master! You can adjust the field of view so that you can see them at distance, just as you would in reality. There are also many different views to choose from such as auto zoom and chase view.
Easy to Use Interface
Just 2 clicks and you are flying! Many useful options to adjust the level of simulation detail and optimise the performance on your machine. Planes and landscapes can be pre-viewed in 3D before being selected.
Minimum Computer requirements:
Windows98/ME.2000/XP (not Mac compatible). pentium 1.0 ghz or equivalent., 128MB RAM, 32MB 3D video card (DirectX 8 compatible). DirectX 8.0 or higher (included on CD), 400 MB hard disk space, 2x Speed CDRom drive, keyboard and mouse.
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